Thinking differently to evolve your life and career
Your Life. Your Masterpiece.
Career Discovery
Move Up at Work
Design your individualized roadmap and success strategies that get you noticed and valued at work.
"Each person holds so much power within themselves that they need to be let out. Sometimes they just need a little nudge, a little direction, a little support, a little coaching, and the greatest things can happen."
Seattle Seahawks head coach, Pete Carroll
Coach with Marietta
25 years of experience coaching purpose-driven professionals across multiple industries.
I will help you focus on what brings you joy in your life and career. I look at your experience and skill set to help you identify the themes and combinations to achieve your life goals. I will help you identify limiting beliefs that are standing in your way to achieving what you truly desire.
Awards / Certifications: Certified Life Book Leader, Certified Senior DISC Facilitator and Recipient of IU Kelley School of Business Excellence in Teaching Award
Life Vision
Imagine owning a 100-page book with a clear vision of the person you want to become and the life you want to live. Every dream, every desire, every goal - everything that you really want - captured on the pages of your personal blueprint for life. Your Lifebook will become the most important book on your shelf and your step-by-step plan for creating your dream life. I am one of the original Certified Lifebook Leaders.
Career Discovery
Using Evolu’s proprietary framework you will identify three ideal career paths and the strategies you need employ to achieve your chosen career.
Career Transition
You like your job but do not love it. You are looking to take your current set of experiences, talents and passions and apply it to something else. Or you are looking to maximize your graduate business degree. As the former Butler University Graduate Program Director, I will guide you to create a roadmap, so you love your job, not like it, pivot to something new or find ways to truly maximize your potential.
New Leader
You are a brand-new leader and want to set yourself for success. I have taught leadership courses in Butler University's Graduate Programs, am a certified John Maxwell Leadership Coach, and a senior consultant with The Catalyst Effect. I can coach you to the creation and implementation of your leadership development plan so you are the leader everyone runs towards instead of runs from.
Are you ready to design a life you love?
Schedule your free 30-minute coaching call with Marietta Stalcup.
Coach with Heidi
30 years of experience coaching diverse individuals across the globe.
I understand the joys and challenges of working abroad. Having lived and worked successfully in 6 countries, I will support you as you grow your cross-cultural skill set and develop your professional reputation. I will help you translate your international experience into a brand that stands out from the competition.
Certifications/Competencies: Certified DISC Level 1 Human Behavior Consultant, Personal branding, Intercultural Training, Multilingual (French, Dutch, Czech, Swedish and English)
Personal Branding
Are you getting the recognition you deserve? Do you feel valued at work? Not getting noticed on LinkedIn? Want to elevate your professional international brand? I will coach you through the discovery and articulation of what makes your brand unique by helping you think differently about your capabilities. I will guide you through the creation of your individualized branding portfolio that captures the attention of hiring managers.
Career Discovery
Using Evolu’s proprietary framework you will identify three ideal career paths and the strategies you need to employ to achieve your chosen career.
Career Transition
You like your job but do not love it. You are looking to take your current set of experiences, talents and passions and apply it to something else. Or you are looking to maximize your graduate business degree. I will guide you to create a roadmap, so you love your job, not like it, pivot to something new or find ways to think differently about what you can achieve.
Cross-Cultural Competency
Are you managing a culturally diverse team? Working in a global team? Looking to work internationally? My focus is on driving individual and team success in a culturally diverse environment. I work with professionals who have a desire to include an international component to their career, whether American professionals who want to elevate their international performance or U.S.- bound professionals who seek to integrate into American business culture to help them achieve their goals.
Are you ready to design a life you love?
Schedule your free 30-minute coaching call with me, Heidi Thompson.
Marietta is passionate about helping other people identify, understand, and achieve their goals. Backed with decades of leadership experience spanning corporate and academia, she knows how to help people become better versions of themselves."
On the Blog
What we Learned…Results from the Evolu Career Survey
Do you love your job? Do you feel your work has purpose and aligns with your values? What leadership skills are you looking to develop over the next two years? We were curious about these topics, so we acted.
Avoid Getting Trapped: 3 Mind Traps to Avoid If You Want to Be Happy at Work
An article from the Harvard Business Review, entitled “Happiness Traps: How We Sabotage Ourselves at Work,” the author suggests we accept this unhappiness because we are trapped. Trapped by one, or all, of three common happiness traps: The Ambition Trap, The Should Trap, and The Overwork Trap. Read on to learn what are they, how they contribute to unhappiness at work, and what can we avoid these three traps?
Examining Your Experience: How reframing your story can change your life
Growing up, my mom frequently asked me, “What will people think of you?” At the time, I did not genuinely appreciate the impact these words had on me until my coach, Jonathan Jerden, assigned me an exercise. He asked me to revisit past events and memories – beginning with my childhood and working my way to the present – to explore and evaluate how seminal events and key people impacted my beliefs, assumptions, thinking, and thus my behaviors. As I did this, the question, “Why do I care so much about what people think of me?” bubbled to the surface. By reflecting on this question while examining my experience, I could trace its origins back to my mom’s recurring question.
The Future of Work – Evolving You and Your Career in Uncertain Times
Evolving You and Your Career in Uncertain Time With the future yet to be written, we are finding ourselves in a moment of reflection. Re-defining the future of work is happening as employers and workers push and pull with each other as they seek to meet their own various needs. The en masse resignation is
CQ: Cultural Intelligence – Why You Need It Now
“Get comfortable being uncomfortable with people from different countries.” Robin Scheffer, Director Price Waterhouse Coopers Netherlands told my MBA students during an interactive Zoom session he was leading. Solving complex global issues requires cultural intelligence. An MBA student once remarked that she didn’t think it necessary to learn about other cultures because she had no intentions
The Great Reprioritization: Should I Stay or Go?
6-Steps To Take To Help You Decide If You Should Change Jobs This year, the question on the minds of many is “Should I Stay, or Should I Go?” According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 4.5 million Americans resigned in November 2021. And, if you believe the myriad of surveys circling on many
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